The other day I saw a television commercial for High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). The commercial starts with two young men sitting at a kitchen table when one says "you're eating that? you know what they say about HFCS?" and his friends response is: " what?, that it has the same nutritional value as sugar and it's ok in moderation."
First, sugar is an addictive substance that has very little to no nutritional value in the common form of white granulated sugar, it's empty calorie. Second, HFCS has some that sugar doesn't, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). HMF is what forms when HCFS is cooked and jumps dramatically when heated beyond 120 degrees Fahrenheit. HMF was discovered by bee keepers, who were feeding honey bees HFCS because it "has the nutritional value of sugar,"i.e. calories, and it's cheap. Although bees have been feed HFCS for decades, it's very possible that the compounding chemical assault could be wiping the honey bee population out. Perhaps that's why it's only ok in "moderation".
So what does this mean for you? Researchers of the bee study stated that this information is important for humans for two reasons.
1. HMF has been linked to DNA damage
2. When HMF breaks down in the human body it breaks down into substances that may be even more harmful.
One idea is that HFCS consumption interferes with intracellular communication, causing physiological disruption which is expressed as diseases like "diabetes" or "obesity".
What should you look for?
HFCS is found in a majority of packaged "foods" and dinning facilities. Common items include, BBQ sauce, Ketchup, Soda, Whole wheat breads, salad dressings, canned fruits, etc. This list can go on for a while, my suggestions is to read the ingredients before you buy and look at what you have already purchased.
An even better suggestion, decrease the frequency of eating outside the home and eat more foods which are uncooked and unprocessed (i.e. vegetables and fruits).
The Challenge

The Gift
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