Sunday, April 18, 2010

The science of it....

Chiropractic: more you didn't know about what you should know about!
Ronald Pero PhD conducted a study at the University of Lund in Lund, Sweden. His hypothesis was that people with cancer would have a suppressed immune response to a toxic burden, while healthy people and people under chiropractic are should have a relatively enhanced response.
Pero's results: the chiropractic group demonstrated an increase in resistance and susceptibility to disease. Also, they showed 200% greater immune competence than those who did not receive chiropractic care and 400% greater immune response than than people with cancer or other serious diseases. Despite a wide range of ages, the immune response of the chiropractic group did not demonstrate the normal decline with age, it was uniform throughout the group.
Pero's conclusion: "Chiropractic may optimize whatever genetic abilities you have".

~abstract courtesy of Rocky Mountain Wellness

Protect Your Brain
The human brain has one of the highest metabolisms of any organ in the body. This means your brain never truly rests, which means it requires a sufficient supply of nutrients. There is an old saying, "fish is brain food", which has it's truth in the fact that many wild caught fresh water fish contain a high level of omega 3 fatty acids.
Omega 3 acids are a polyunsaturated fat composed of EPA and DHA. Your brain is nearly 60 percent fats, in which a majority are polyunsaturated. These fats cover neurons of the brain and are critical in not only the development of the brain but also the maintenance of brain function.
Low intakes of DHA type fats have been shown to increase the likelihood of depression and increase in DHA type fats have been shown to overcome depression.
There are a few good sources of omega 3 fats out there. The one I use can be purchased from innate choice.

Reference -Russell Blaylock "Health and Nutrition...."
The Challenge
For the next 7 days wake up thirty minutes earlier, get dressed to go outside, walk for ten minutes then stretch for ten minutes. Take in the fresh air and enjoy yourself.

The Gift
Purple Sweet PotatoesYou can make these however your wish, but if it's your first time, bake them.

  • 2 -3 Purple (Hawaiian) Sweet Potatoes
  • Wash the skin, leave it wet and wrap each one in aluminum foil.
  • Bake at 375 for about 20-25 min or until it gets a little soft
  • Season it with unrefined coconut oil, a pinch on cinnamon and if you have a sweet tooth a little honey.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Love Movement

"there are only two emotions that human kind experiences. . . . fear & love, all others branch directly or indirectly from these two. Fear has a low & slow vibratory frequency while love has a high & fast frequency" E Badu
Often times I wonder the source of our actions/behaviors, are they based in love or fear? It has been my observation that a lack of self-love has contributed to a majority of the ill's of today's society. Particularly the health epidemic of the U.S. When you take a look at depression, heart disease, high blood pressure, childhood obesity, etc. A majority of the health conditions we face are from our lifestyle choices. It's not that you don't know vegetables and fruits are good for you, more than likely it's that you don't consider the destructive nature of: processed "foods" , high fructose corn syrup, table salt, etc. Over the next few weeks, lets do a little research together and see what we discover about the previously mentioned items.
To love yourself is to respect yourself in all areas of life, this includes what you feed yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. There are certain elements necessary to be at your optimal health. Our society is sick for two reasons, we have either a toxicity and/or deficiency in one of the major areas of loving ourselves. The only way to correct a toxicity issue is with purity. The only way to correct a deficiency issue with purity.
Drugs aka "medications" are toxic to the human body. They are a foreign substance that mask the true nature of a symptom (your body expressing intelligence). You have symptoms because your body is at the last stage of fighting some abnormality in your system. All symptoms are bad and most do not require assistance, just no interference.
Lower emotional states (i.e. fear) can be overcome via Love. These lower frequencies can be superseded by those which vibrate at a higher level. Vibration at a higher frequency is often undetectable but nearly always understood. Children are the best detectors of vibratory frequencies. Children are open and receive the necessary information about people through a persons frequency.
Everything on the planet has a vibratory frequency, the higher your frequency, the greater your connection to the universe, the greater your connection to the universe, the better your comprehension of what is around you. Greater comprehension allows for connections, analysis, appropriate responses, etc. eventually arriving at PEACE, the ultimate state of love.

HEROH is a revolutionary call out of love. For you to look at yourself and say "today I chose to be the best me I can be because the world needs me" Lets begin correcting the deficiencies, removing the toxins and replacing them with purity and sufficiency.

Hearts lead, it's your deal!

The Challenge
For 3 days fast from all media. This includes, television, radio, computers, facebook, etc. Take these days and show yourself some love. Cook a few nice healthy meals, exercise, meditate. Basically reconnect with yourself, spend some quiet time with you. Walked barefoot in the grass.

The Gift
1 cup of black beans (soak overnight in cold water)
3 cloves of garlic (diced)
3 cups of water
Bring water and beans to a boil, once at a boil simmer for 40-60 min. Or slow cooker on high 4hrs

1/2 large yellow onion
2 tsp Tumeric
1 tsp ground pepper
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp chili powder
1 fresh chili pepper or jalapeno
1/4 tbsp of real butter
Place butter and seasonings in a skillet , letter the butter melt. Once butter is melted, saute onions and chili peppers in the butter until the onion turns a slight yellow.

I'm not an advocate of grains, but if you must:
Try long grain brown rice or toasted millet to round out the meal.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

“Revolution requires participation” - T. Kwali

defined by the dictionary as: a dramatic and wide-reaching change in the way something works or is organized or in people's ideas about it. We live in marvelous times, with technological developments of all sorts and a greater awareness of our planet in general. However, we have yet to develop the greater awareness of our health and reach or full potential as humans.

Health reform has been applauded throughout the country, conversely we don't have a "healthcare system" to reform. What we have just witnessed is an expansion of a monopolized pharmaceutical sick-care industry and an uppercut punch to the jaw of insurance companies. Let's think about, do we go to a doctor to heal or feel relief from a symptom (i.e. an intelligent response of the body)? Symptom relief from a medical doctor comes in the form of a pill. At some point in time we must consider the fact that our bodies are not in discomfort due to a lack of drugs in our system or extra organs in our bodies, but our lifestyle choices.

There are a few major downfalls when it comes to our health. We can start with nutrition. Research has shown that Vitamin D alone can prevent nearly 4 out of 5 cancers. In addition, it helps prevent heart disease, diabetes, depression, kidney disease, and the seasonal flu. Best of all there are multiple ways to obtain Vitamin D, one of which is absolutely free. The sun is a major source for our bodies creating Vitamin D, via skin exposure to the sun (no sun block/screen,etc). A second source is through supplementation via Vitamin D3. Unfortunately we have been bamboozled for so long about the "dangers" of the sun, most of us are Vitamin D deficient and require a supplement to make up for the deficiency.

Optimal Health is the closest we will physically get to becoming one with the universe. A balance of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Often termed wellness, however, the medical confusion has already begun. The medical/pharmaceutical definition of wellness includes taking toxic drugs. This makes no sense at all! How can a drug which causes side effects (sickness within the body) be a logical choice for healing of the body. I heard the most disturbing radio commercial the other day. It was a drug store explaining how you can just "click to wellness" by ordering your drugs online. Being well, doesn't include being medicated/drugged or sedentary.

Chiropractors (those who have excepted the challenge) are the only health care professionals truly equipped to be optimal health/wellness practitioners. Why? you ask, first there are no drugs or surgery involved. Chiropractic focuses on the nervous system which controls and regulates every organ, tissue and function of the body. Chiropractic adjustments/corrections restore proper communication between your brain and body and vice versa.

Chiropractors who are Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioners (CCWP) are specialist in the area of optimal health. The difference between the CCWP’s and pain relief doctors is the intent of the doctor, pain relief vs complete healing. In addition, CCWP's look at the whole, you has a holistic person, being and entity. If you really want to have a life changing health improvement find a CCWP chiropractor. You are what you eat, which effects how you sleep, reflected in how you think, and influences how you move.

Is it the Food?
Recently I purchased the film Food Inc. It’s a documentary on the American food industry which in so many ways is killing us slowly (my opinion supported by facts). Watching this film, I had to applaud myself for not partaking in: the eating of pork, commercial beef, or from the window of a fast food place. This film exposes the conditions of the animals our families are consuming on a daily bases and is truly a sight to make you wonder about all the diseases and other ailments of our society. Food is a transition of universal energy. Animals living in stressed, diseased and caged conditions simply pass that energy to whom or what consumes it.
If you haven't already, viewed the film, rent it. Your family, so feel free to send me your observations and opinions.


Revolution requires participation, and since you're still reading, we agree it's time for changes to be made. For starters, no fast food and no soda/pop. Not only will your body thank you but your wallet will as well. Yes, we are busy people and sometimes we are in a rush. My suggestion, over the weekend, plan lunch and dinner for the week. Prepare Mon-Wed on Saturday and Thur - Sat on Sunday. Freeze them and when you get home warm them up in the oven (we will discuss the microwave in future blogs). Brown bag it for lunch, or better yet, take a cooler. Lunch should be your largest meal of the day. Eat what you like on one condition, that you eat a hand full of vegetables, salad (next to no dressing), or fruit FIRST. This should be a good starting point.

I like to pass along snack ideas and recipes. If you don't already have a blender, you may want to look into investing in a good one. I would like to start with dessert (a healthy one).

Banana Split Smoothie
1.5 - 2 Ripe Bananas
hand full of frozen strawberries
hand full of frozen pineapple
1 tablespoon of Raw Cacao Powder
2 tablespoons of agave nectar (if you have a real sweet tooth)
1-2 cup(s) of vanilla hemp milk (based on desired thickness)

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