Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Who Stole Your Soul ?

How many of us have a true sense of where the light switch is in our lives? What is your purpose in this human experience that we call life? Sad truth, we are disconnected from the power source! When we were developing in the womb, the first system to develop was the nervous system. This system controls and regulates all the other systems of the body. The nervous system has influence on every cell, organ and tissue within the body which makes it the most important. This system is so important that it is covered in bone for protection, but today we will start with what’s happening in the mind.

I am starting with your Head to Extend my Reach to Offer a solution toward Health. Who stole your soul? and how are you going to get it back? In this day and age it is necessary that we guard our soul with the utmost care. We are being programmed and accepting the programming at an alarming rate! Be it television or radio, we are constantly downloading what I would consider harmful thoughts and imagery. Our society has become so engrossed in entertainment that we are no longer THINKING for ourselves.

Number one in this massive brainwashing is television. Television has captured the minds and sadly the hearts of America. The “water cooler” conversation is about last nights episode of (insert your favorite show). Followed by, I think I may be getting depressed. REALLY, you bet your last cookie you’re getting depressed. On average Americans spend 5 hours in front of a television! On average means some people spend more than 5 hours. So I often wonder, how many drug commercials did you see describing some symptom , which is probably common, and now you thinking you are depressed? Ups and downs are part of life, sometimes things don’t go the way we planned and we are just not happy about it, but this doesn’t qualify you for (insert you favorite drug) for depression. If you or someone you know thinks they are depressed, be sure you refrain from watching television for a month before you go get a prescription.

Radio, how about the same 8 to 10 songs all day long on “some” radio stations come on people, it doesn’t get anymore obvious than that. People, we are setting, our children, our community, city, state, country and our future up for doom! We must break this entertainment cycle and fast.

What is the real problem? We spend so much time being entertained that we no longer think for ourselves, about ourselves, about our future or our children’s future. Too busy making every attempt to be like the people on TV all the while loosing ourselves. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. The essence of spirit/soul/purpose is to be focused and moving toward fulfillment of a dream, goal or creation. These accomplishments are how we see the Creator in ourselves. The same Creator that begot the sun, moon, stars and planets. Accomplishments bring us closer to our place in the Universe because we creators of our own worlds. This entertainment society does not challenge the soul to be better, do better, achieve more, or fulfill our dreams.

So what does all this have to do with helping you reach your optimal health? Optimal Health/Wellness is the key ingredient for living at your full potential. One of the tools of wellness is chiropractic. Chiropractors address your spine because they are nervous system experts. When you receive a chiropractic adjustment you are restoring clear communication between your body and brain. This is just the beginning of the journey to health.

My challenge to everyone is to refrain from watching television, your favorite show online, playing your favorite video game, or even reading the newspaper for 21 days in a row. I know what some of you are going to say “but I like to watch the news for the weather,” you can check the weather online. If it’s something really major happening in the world, people will tell you. So what do you do now? Start a new hobby, read a new book, start exercising, or find some other healthy activity to engage in. At the end of the 21days, write me and let me know what is new and exciting in your life.


  1. Good post, I actually just read that the 2008 average was 7 hours per day. So, yikes!

  2. Johnnie Bee! I don't use my yahoo email any more-but I browsed though it and I found this unread email about this site :)

    A ton of hugs from London (and hopefuly soon from Cali, I am trying to get in an MFA) Peter F** Zabb
